Sound Healing : a therapeutic modality utilizing sound to shift energy

Sound is everywhere and is made of vibrational frequencies, which is essentially matter. Everything is matter. Everything has its own vibration and resonating frequency.

Sound healing therapy is a method that utilizes sound frequency with an intention to shift energy emotionally, physically, mentally, and often times, spiritually.

Sound has the unique ability to affect the human energetic system by brainwave entrainment. The entrainment of our brainwaves provides a frequency stabilization in which brainwaves can attune to frequencies leading to:

- deeper states of relaxation

- higher states of consciousness,

- and overall balance in our mind and body.


Sound Bath:

A sound bath is a form of sound healing therapy that can be offered in a group or private setting.

Sounds are created by a combination of overtone instruments which can include: Himalayan and crystal singing bowls, drums, gong, tuning forks, shruti box, rain stick, ocean drum, bells, and chimes.

Private Sound Healing:

In a private sound healing session, the session is attuned more specifically to your energy and body to address specific intentions in the moment.

A private therapeutic sound session can range from 30 to 60 minutes.

A private session may include all or a combination of the following:

  • Guided meditations and breathing exercises

  • Use of overtone instruments on and around the body

  • Improvisation of unique melodies

  • Renewing Reiki energetic touch, concentrated in particular areas of the physical/emotional body

  • Tuning forks used in conjunction with acupressure points, meridian systems and muscle tension

  • Extended live playing of crystal singing bowls, gongs, or instruments best suited for the session

  • Chakra energy alignment

Group Sound Healing:

In a group sound meditation/sound bath, each person begins lying down or in a restorative position, often on a comfortable mat or blanket and is provided with an eye mask.

The experience often starts with guided meditation, visualization and breathing practices followed by different sounds and frequencies introduced in succession.

The purpose is to induce relaxation and explore personal inquiry.

The role of the sound practitioner is to create the setting and conditions to allow participants to connect deeper with themselves and promote inner healing and renewal.

*available for workshops and events*

Some benefits of working with sound:

quieting the mind, calming the nervous system, empowering positive change, lowering stress levels and anxiety, deep relaxation, enhancing self-awareness, pain management, and promoting and facilitating the process of inner transformation and healing.

Regular sessions are recommended to deepen the healing work and to develop and strengthen emotional and mental resilience to daily stressors.